Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 1, 2017

Bowling Jokes

Bowling Jokes

Q: What is the 7th pin in bowling called? 
A: Mother-In-Law! 

Q. What's the difference between a sorority girl and a bowling ball? 
A. You can only fit 3 fingers in a bowling ball. 

Q: What do a bowling ball and a blonde have in common? 
A: Chances are both will end up in the gutter. 

Q: What is the difference between Barry Zito and bowling icon Walter Ray Williams, Jr.? 
A: Walter Ray Williams, Jr. knows how to throw a strike. 

Q: Why should a bowling alley be quiet? 
A: So you can hear a pin drop! 

Q: Why are football players not allowed in bowling alleys? 
A: After getting a strike, they spike the ball. 

Q: What's the difference between ginger pussy and a bowling ball? 
A: You could eat a bowling ball if you had to. 

Q: What did the bowling pins do? 
A: They went on strike. 

Q: What does a bowler and a Thanksgiving guest have in common? 
A: They both want a Turkey. 

Q: Why do the blondes prefer to have sex instead of bowling? 
A: The balls are lighter, and you don't have to change shoes. 

Q: How do you tell which is the Groom at a Polish wedding? 
A: He's the one with the CLEAN bowling shirt 

Q: What's the greatest problem facing Poland? 
A: The four-ten split.

Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 1, 2017

Gorilla Jokes

Gorilla Jokes

Q: Where does a monkey cook his toast ? 
A: Under a gorilla! 

Q: Why did King Kong climb the Empire State building? 
A: Because he couldn't fit in the elevator! 

Q: Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
A: Because they have big fingers! 

Q: Why did the gorilla fall out of the tree? 
A: It was dead. 

Q: What do monkeys do when they're mad at each other? 
A: They have a Gorilla war! 

Q: Why did the gorilla go to the doctor? 
A: Because his banana wasn't peeling very well! 

Q: What should you do if you find a gorilla sitting at your school desk? 
A: Sit somewhere else! 

Q: What's a monkey's favourite drink? 
A: A sas-gorilla. 

Q: How do gorillas get down the stairs? 
A: They slide down the banana-ster! 

Q: What do gorillas do when they go mad? 
A: Go bananas! 

Q: What do you call a gorilla playing quidditch? 
A: A hairy potter!! 

Q: What's a gorilla's favourite pop group? 
A: Bananarama! 

Q: What is a ape's favourite toy? 
A: A Bab-boom-orang! 

Q: What sort of key does a gorilla need to open a banana? 
A: A monk-key! 

Q: Where do gorillas like to get their hair cut? 
A: Vidal Baboon! 

Q: How do you stop a gorilla from charging? 
A: Take away his credit card! 

Q: What's a chimpanzee's favourite music band? 
A: The Gorillaz! 

Q: What did the banana say to the gorilla? 
A: Nothing, bananas don't talk!
