Yo Mama Is So Skinny Jokes Short
Yo mama is so skinny that she turned sideways and disappeared.
Yo mama is so skinny that she hula hoops with a Cheerio.
Yo mama is so skinny that she has to wear a belt with spandex.
Yo mama is so skinny that she swallowed a meatball and thought she was pregnant.
Yo mama is so skinny that she can see out a peephole with both eyes.
Yo mama is so skinny that she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama is so skinny that you can save her from drowning by tossing her a Fruit Loop.
Yo mama is so skinny that she has to run around in the shower to get wet.
Yo mama is so skinny that when she wore her yellow dress, she looked like an HB pencil.
Yo mama is so skinny that if she had a sesame seed on her head, she'd look like a push pin.
Yo mama is so skinny that her nipples touch.
Yo mama is so skinny that I could blind-fold her with dental floss.
Yo mama is so skinny that she looks like a mic stand.
Yo mama is so skinny that she only has one stripe on her pajamas.
Yo mama is so skinny that she can dodge rain drops.
Yo mama is so skinny that she inspires crack whores to diet.
Yo mama is so skinny that she uses Chapstick for deodorant.
Yo mama is so small that she goes paragliding on a Dorito.
Yo mama is so skinny that if she turned sideways and stuck out her tongue, she would look like a zipper.
Yo mama is so skinny that she goes hot tubbing with the Mini Wheats Man.
Yo mama is so skinny that when she takes a bath and lets the water out, her toes get caught in the drain.
Yo mama is so skinny that her bra fits better when she wears it backwards.
Yo mama's so skinny, she can grate cheese on her ribs
Yo mamma so skinny she can't stand sideways when taking a selfie.
Yo mama's so skinny, when I slapped her I got a paper cut!
Yo mama's so skinny when she wears skinny jeans they look like bell bottoms
Yo mama's so skinny, if she had dreads I'd grab her by the ankles and use her to mop the floor.
Yo mama is so skinny that she had to stand in the same place twice to cast a shadow.
Yo mama is so skinny that if she had a yeast infection she'd be a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
Yo mama is so skinny that her pants only have one belt loop.
Yo mama is so skinny that if she had dreads I'd grab her by the ankles and use her to mop the floor.
Yo mama is so skinny that instead of calling her your parent, you call her transparent.